About Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd

In the mid-1980’s, we purchased an unfamiliar piece of medical equipment from a local auction. He was a firefighter, but during his days off he would dabble in buying and reselling surplus items, but never before medical equipment. He proceeded to sell the item for a profit and thus began what is now, some 25 years later, Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd, one of the nation’s premier new and refurbished medical equipment dealers.

Medical Equipment for Sale by Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd

Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd is an industry leader in supplying ambulatory surgical centers, hospitals and medical offices with quality new, refurbished and used medical equipment. With our vast resources and knowledge we can assist your facility from start to finish.

Whether it is a single item, turn-key setup, biomedical services, accreditation consulting, or medical facility planning and design, Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd can help with your medical equipment needs.

Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd has been supplying surgical centers and hospitals with new, refurbished and used medical equipment for 10 years.

New, Refurbished & Used Medical Equipment Products and Services

Our reputation, integrity, attention to detail, and knowledge set us apart from the competition. Empire Medical Suppliers Pty Ltd can save you time, money and headaches by providing you with helpful strategies for fitting new, refurbished and used medical equipment to your budget. Our medical equipment consultation service is the first step in the right direction to get your ASC up and running.

We also highly recommend and endorse an independent Accreditation and Architectural Consultant to move you seamlessly through the sometimes difficult and frustrating reality of new ASC development and accreditation.

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Maecenas egestas congue tellus non fermentum

Donec porttitor tortor vel dolor blandit scelerisque. Phasellus quis semper justo. Fusce faucibus, elit et ultrices pulvinar, justo neque blandit est, nec interdum urna ante sit amet dolor.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

In leo arcu, vestibulum eu nunc porttitor, varius lacinia turpis. Etiam sit amet nisl commodo, consectetur nisi vitae, scelerisque elit.

Nam vehicula, tellus in blandit elementum

Phasellus laoreet quis enim eu pretium. Integer egestas, felis a placerat semper, dui leo tristique lectus, eget sollicitudin justo nisl at turpis. Donec scelerisque congue est.